
Package types

import "scheduler/types"

Overview ▾

Package types implement all structs used in the project.

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
    Headers    http.Header `json:"headers"`
    Body       []byte      `json:"body"`
    StatusCode int         `json:"status_code"`

type FaasApiResponse

type FaasApiResponse struct {
    Headers    http.Header
    Body       []byte
    StatusCode int

type Load

type Load struct {
    // general info
    SchedulerName string `json:"scheduler_name"`
    // functions-related
    FunctionsDeployed      uint `json:"functions_deployed"`
    FunctionsTotalReplicas uint `json:"functions_total_replicas"`
    FunctionsRunning       uint `json:"functions_running"`
    FunctionsRunningMax    uint `json:"functions_running_max"`
    // queue-related
    QueueLengthMax uint `json:"queue_max_length"`
    QueueFill      int  `json:"queue_fill"`

type PeerJobRequest

type PeerJobRequest struct {
    // Function    faas_containers-openfaas.Function     `json:"function"`     // the function that we want to execute
    ServiceIdRequest uint64            `json:"service_id_request"` // the service request id
    ServiceIdTracing string            `json:"service_id_tracing"` // the service request tracing id
    FunctionName     string            `json:"function_name"`      // the function name to execute
    Hops             int               `json:"hops"`               // number of times the job is forwarded
    PeersList        []PeersListMember `json:"peers_list"`         // list of peers that handled the job
    Payload          string            `json:"payload"`            // the payload of the request in base64 string
    ContentType      string            `json:"content_type"`       // the mime type of the payload
    Headers          map[string]string `json:"headers"`            // the headers to add to the peer job request

type PeerJobResponse

type PeerJobResponse struct {
    PeersList  []PeersListMember `json:"peers_list"`  // list of peers that handled the job
    Body       string            `json:"body"`        // base64 encoded
    StatusCode int               `json:"status_code"` // job response status code

type PeersListMember

type PeersListMember struct {
    MachineId string  `json:"machine_id"`
    MachineIp string  `json:"machine_ip"`
    Timings   Timings `json:"timings"` // timing referred to the passage in that machine

type SchedulerDescriptor

type SchedulerDescriptor struct {
    Name       string   `json:"name"`
    Parameters []string `json:"parameters"`

type ServiceRequest

type ServiceRequest struct {
    Id                 uint64 // unique id assigned to the request
    IdTracing          string
    ServiceName        string // Name of the function to be executed
    ServiceType        int64  // type of the task to be executed
    Payload            []byte
    PayloadContentType string
    Headers            *map[string]string
    External           bool // If the service request comes from another node and not user
    ExternalJobRequest *PeerJobRequest

type Timings

type Timings struct {
    ExecutionTime  *float64 `json:"execution_time,omitempty"`  // the time of executing the job comprising the GET to openfaas
    TotalTime      *float64 `json:"total_time,omitempty"`      // elapsed time from job arrival til its completed execution
    SchedulingTime *float64 `json:"scheduling_time,omitempty"` // elapsed time for a job to be scheduled
    ProbingTime    *float64 `json:"probing_time,omitempty"`    // elapsed time for a job to probe other nodes

type TimingsStart

type TimingsStart struct {
    ArrivedAt        *time.Time `json:"arrived_at,omitempty"`         // time at which job arrives
    ProbingStartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_probing_at,omitempty"` // time at which probing is started
    ProbingEndedAt   *time.Time `json:"ended_probing_at,omitempty"`   // time at which probing is ended
    ScheduledAt      *time.Time `json:"scheduled_at,omitempty"`       // time at which job is scheduled internally or externally